Summit "SET - TREBINJE 2022"

The Energy Summit "SET - TREBINJE 2022" under the slogan "Energy Future of the Western Balkans" will be held on March 16, 17 and 18, 2022 in Trebinje, organized by MH Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske and the Energy Summit SET d.o.o. Trebinje and under the auspices of the Government of the Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH and the company M'tel.
This expert event through panel discussions covers thematic units: transitions and decrbonisations of the energy sector in the region, the situation in the energy and balance electricity market, security of gas and oil supply, energy efficiency, the importance of renewable energy sources, smart grids and the upcoming topic. -mobility in our region.
As we have successfully organized the previous two Energy Summits and realized all planned activities for the next year, as organizers we have set much bigger goals, and that is to make the Energy Summit in Trebinje one of the most organized and most visited economic events in Southeast Europe.
We express special gratitude to the members of the Summit Program and Scientific Committee, panelists and moderators, as well as all present participants of the Summit, who according to official records were over 1000 in the halls and over 25000 online participants, which is an impressive number for the first two years.
We use this opportunity to offer you to be our partner in the realization of the next Energy Summit in Trebinje and to present the projects you are implementing in the region in the best possible way.
We planned to organize the next third Energy Summit in Trebinje on March 16, 17 and 18, 2022, in the halls of the Cultural Center in Trebinje, in compliance with the valid Covid -19 protocol. The summit will be organized in combination with the direct presence of panelists, moderators, sponsors and guests in the hall and the online presence of participants from across the region through the MatchAbout platform.

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants42
  • Meetings Requested0
  • Meetings Accepted0


Profile views

  • Before Event512
  • After Event44773


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